When you purchase PandaWare TimeCache, you’ll receive the full, unlimited version, plus complete illustrated documentation on disk and utility files that help you get even more out of TimeCache. We also include a standalone HyperCard player called "TimeCache Engine". If you would like a copy of TimeCache Engine designed to run native on PowerMacs, be sure to check the appropriate area below.
To purchase TimeCache, print this form, fill it out and send it with a check or money order for US $40.00* PER COPY to:
The PandaWare Company
4907 Burke Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98103
(Please print neatly)
Name _________________________
Company _________________________
Title _________________________
Address _________________________
City, State, Zip _________________________
___ I have included extra payment for domestic second-day delivery or overseas shipment (see below for an explanation).
___ Please send me the PowerMac version of TimeCache Engine (see above for an explanation).
How did you receive TimeCache? (For example: CompuServe, America Online, CD-ROM, friend, user group, etc.)
How many people will be using TimeCache? _______________________
* For shipments outside the U.S., please add US $7.00. Washington state residents, add 8.2% state sales tax ($3.28 per copy). Add $7.00 for domestic second day air shipment.
Note: All orders are sent via regular US mail except second day air shipments.